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I’m so sick of people trying to explain who and what God is. That’s like an infant trying to explain who their parents are. The only thing they feel is that someone loves them and takes care of their needs. Heck, even as adults we don’t know everything about our parents (yeah you think you know). If you can explain everything about God, then he wouldn’t be Gods. Yeah, yeah, yeah I know some of you believe that we are God/a god. My question to you is that; if we were Gods/a god; depending if you have a monotheistic or polytheistic viewpoint, then why is there millions of gods walking the earth and (practically this country) it's so messed up as it is? Why are the ones claiming to be Gods spreading hate and intolerance? Why are our communities and children in disarray and out of control? I’m certain with the few hundred people who are believing they are GODS can make a better showing than this. And if you are GOD; is this all you got? You see truth doesn’t have to be debated; truth should be taught, most of all it should be lived.

The closest thing I’ve seen to being God on this earth are imperfect but despite their imperfections they remain true. The closest thing I’ve seen to being God on this earth have weaknesses, but their weakness is overshadowed by their unconditional love. The closest thing that I’ve seen to God on this earth does not possess wealth untold, but they are committed to a cause. The closest thing to being God are parents who are committed to their children. Men committed to the pursuit of fatherhood and women committed to the pursuit of motherhood and all that that pursuit encompass, are the closest we’ll ever come to seeing what God looks like, the closest we’ll ever come to seeing what He is.

We are merely human with Godlike qualities with exceptional, unrestricted potentials. We can mimic Him by being present, committed and involved in our children’s (creation’s) lives. They are our ultimate creation thus they are our ultimate responsibility. We are like Him when we create something good out of chaos, by creating better communities and a better future for our them. Instead of spreading hate, intolerance, bigotry, and destruction; and filling our children with it. These things are qualities of the Devil, so if we’re doing the same thing we say the Devil’s doing then that makes us devils too. And that only make us raise devils.

“You are one of a kind, indispensable and irreplaceable. Your weaknesses become their strength because they’ve watched you persevere through adversities. Your defeats and victories are their compasses that give them direction. Your success gives them hope. Your failures become their lessons in life. Your voice is unmistakable and comforting. Your very presence floods their soul with unspeakable joy. Your touch comforts and assures them that you will not abandon them. You are them, and they are you. You are their daddy; and yet with all your imperfections and human mistakes, to them, you’re the closest thing to God. ”~Excerpt from WHO’S YOUR DADDY?

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