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As a father of three girls sometimes when I see them doing something I want to do it for them. I don’t like the fact that they have to do things that can be somewhat taxing. I feel that they always need my help. I don’t like the fact that sometimes life requires them to struggle with and through some things. I don't like the that they have to face difficulties, and yes work for things. So I try to be a cushion for them, a barrier so that they won’t get hit by the hurtful realities of life, a savior even from the minute responsibilities of life.

Example_when I see my youngest taking a laundry basket filled with close; I often come to her rescue and take the basket from her and take it to the laundry area myself.

After all, these three girls are my babies, and I’m their father the ultimate man in their lives. But as a father of these beautiful, intelligent, bright and creative girls, sometimes I have to fall back and not only teach responsibility, but I had to allow them to experience responsibility. I’ve learned that will be denying them of the greatest lesson in life and in doing that I would be stifling them emotionally, mentally and spiritually. That great lesson is how to be “independent”.

You see an independent woman is self-sufficient, self-motivated and has great self-esteem. They have goals and aspiration in life and are “go getters”, and pursuers of dreams. With an independent woman, it is not about what they possess; it is more about the attitude they possess.

Contrary to most thinking, they are the kind of women that make great wives and great mothers. Fathers, you can put away your Glocks, your double barrel shotgun, and your .357 Magnum; because when you raise a daughter to be an independent woman, her independence will scare and chase the “no good man” away better than any of those weapons ever will.

A women’s independence will attract good men, men who are not afraid of a woman who’s about something because he’s about something. Her independence will attract men who are looking for women that will add to who they are and not take away from him. They are the kind of women that make good men better men. They are the betterment of men and vice versa. When they do get into a relationship, it’s because of the love for that man and not because the need of the things he has. And vice versa.

As fathers of girls, it behoves us sometimes to let them do things on their own; resist the temptation in always to help them. You will be nurturing their independence. Believe me; I know girls can be hard headed, debating, and think they know it all; but those things are only the independence in them that needs the guidance, nurturing and patience of a father. Do not stunt their growth by doing everything or giving them everything, sometimes let them learn to work for them and do for themselves.

If we do not raise our daughters to be strong women; the future of great men is in jeopardy.

In closing; I want my daughters to know that unfortunate Daddy will not always be here, but I will leave behind three beautiful, intelligent, bright, creative and yes, independent women. And have confidence that God will do the rest.

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